Personal Finance: Monday will be your last day to finish any last minute adjustments to your credit card. Tuesday and part of Wednesday will be for presentations. You will have 5-10 minutes per presentation. Please be prepared and ready to answer questions. Following presentations, we will segueway into the changing face of the credit industry and what practices are being reviewed. Expect to move into the science of retail on Thursday and Friday and also questions that deal with this current event:


Computer Applications: We continue our exploration of Excel. Please check your formulas that you write through the Korb exercises. We have only scratched the surface. Here is this week’s schedule:

Monday: Project 52, Step by Step 6.1

Tuesday:Projects 53 &54

Wednesday: End of Chapter Spreadsheet book Quiz on page 257. Supplementary Project 55

Thursday: Current Event


(Due Friday) and Supplementary Project 57, Step by Step 1.1.

Friday: Fix my data exercise and Projects 58 & 59.

Radio Station: Check the posted roster on the doors. Anyone whose name is not on the list will not be allowed access to the station. Also, you are to start using Garage Band to put together podcasts for the station. These will include generic liners and psa’s as well as music and station id’s after every three songs.

November 16th-20th

Personal Finance: The teams have been assigned. You are now to work on your credit card design using the parameters and requirements I have given you. This project is due the Monday we return from break.

In the interim, please be familiar with this current event for discussion purposes, when we return:


Computer Applications:

Monday-Current Event due today. Move on to Projects 45 & 46. If you have completed these projects, please move on to the currency chapter (Lesson 3) and complete steps 3.1 , 3.2 and Project 47.

Tuesday-Project 48.

Wednesday-Step by Step 4.1 and Project 49.

Thursday-Project 50

Friday-Step by Step  5.1 and Project 51.

Radio Station: There will be a meeting immediately after school in the business lab on the 16th. The station will be closed after school until further notice.

November 9-13th

Personal Finance: Welcome to Credit Land. We will be engaged in credit card activities for at least the next two weeks. We’ll be reviewing key concepts and terminology, examining the national debate on credit card usage, including President Obama’s mandates and we will culminate the lesson with a design activity. If anybody would like to bring in credit card offers that they have received in the mail for extra credit, please see me. All information and identifying remarks will be black lined.


Monday-Finish current event questions, they are due by the end of the day on Tuesday the 10th.

Tuesday-Intro to Credit Cards presentation and discussion of the Maxed Out Movie.

Wednesday-Discussion of credit card horror stories and review of basic terminology. Expect a quiz tomorrow.

Thursday-Quiz and NEFE ASSIGNMENT. READ PAGES 41-45

4B, 4-1 AND 4-C

Friday-Finish NEFE WORK  and Team CREDIT CARD Assignments.

Finally, I haven’t received any feedback about the links to the games from the previous week’s posting. Here is a new one. Please try it out at your leisure and let me know what you think:


Computer Applications: Spreadsheets!

Monday-Read and be prepared to discuss pages 195-202 in class tomorrow. Complete Step by Step 1.1.

Tuesday-Discussion of concepts from 195-202. Please complete project 43.

Wednesday-Project 44.

Thursday-Step by Step 2.1 and review of concepts for quiz tomorrow.

Friday-Quiz and Current Event


Radio-Meeting has been rescheduled due to Parent Teacher Conferences. Next meeting will take place on Monday of Next Week after school.

November 2-6th

Personal Finance:

Monday-Discuss Walmart Questions. Continue Inventory and Furniture Adjustments. Hand out of Example Lease.

Tuesday-Modify Lease. Remember to add realistic terms to the lease.

Wednesday-Quiz over Lease terminology and Assignment of Current Event, which is due next Monday the 9th. Here is the article:


Thursday-View Maxed Out Movie.

Friday-Finish Maxed Out Movie. Start thinking about the ideal credit card. We will be designing our own next week.

Computer Applications

Monday-Quiz. Answer questions that accompany last week’s current event that dealt with retailer tracking. Due by Wednesday

Tuesday-Step by Step 4.1. Project 32 in Korb Book.

Wednesday-Current Event due Today. Project 33 in Korb Book.

Thursday-Project 34 and 35.

Friday-Supplementary Project 36.

Radio Station: Meeting Afterschool in Business Lab on the 11th.